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Hurricane Irene’s Runoff Temporarily Closing Shellfish Harvesting in Major New York Counties

Shellfish harvesting in Nassau and Suffolk County has been suspended, starting today, by the NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation as a precautionary measure to protect the public health.

Photo courtesy of Newsday.

The department is worried that stormwater runoffs associated with the hurricane’s heavy rains may have carried bacteria and pathogens into the nearby natural water systems

There is also the concern that coastal flooding caused by the heavy rains combined with the storm surge and new moon may have inundated low-lying septic systems, potentially impacting and “overwhelming” stormwater and wastewater treatment systems.

If the water in the local creeks, coves, and harbors has been contaminated, the “shellfish in the affected areas may be hazardous” to eat, said the department.

So far, it’s planned that the closure will last through Sept. 5, 2011, depending on test results from water samples to be collected this week.

The department has set up a recorded message advising shellfish harvesters of the status of the situation, at: 631-444-0480. The message will be updated during the course of the closure.

Anyone that would like more detailed information about the closure can call the conservation office during normal business hours at 631-444-0475.


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